All Posts By

Jarrett Johnston

Season 3

Marziyeh’s Story

The Other Side: God sought after Marziyeh and visited her in dreams and visions. When she experienced the love and peace of Jesus, she knew she had to give her life to serve Him. Though she suffered with Maryam in Evin Prison in Iran for following Him, He revealed Himself…
Jarrett Johnston
March 3, 2022
Season 3

Maryam’s Story

Maryam suffered in Evin Prison in Iran after becoming Christians. Through these sufferings, Jesus revealed Himself to be powerful, present, and all that they need.
Jarrett Johnston
November 16, 2021
Season 2

Hormoz’s Story

Following the Iranian Revolution, Hormoz moved to the United States to pursue his education. With questions in his mind about Islam, he wanted to commit to a religion that was true. After searching the Quran only to be left with more questions, Hormoz found what he was looking for only…
Jarrett Johnston
September 15, 2021
Season 2

Al Fadi’s Story

As a fundamentalist Muslim living in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Abdul Fadi had plans of moving to Afghanistan and following in the jihadist footsteps of Osama bin Laden. After moving to the United States to study abroad, the love and kindness of Christian family helped to melt his heart stone and…
Jarrett Johnston
July 16, 2021
Season 2

Baghdad Boys

Growing up in an abusive home in Iraq, the Baghdad Boys often went hungry and without shoes or proper clothing. Through a “chance” encounter with General Petraeus, an opportunity to move to the United States was presented to them. Once stateside, it was at a church that they finally discovered…
Jarrett Johnston
May 26, 2021